©   2013 Hands That Touch, Inc. All rights reserved.  Created by Lorraine Box

Brooke Patmor  |  Thailand



Brooke a graduate of Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry has had a call to the nations since she was a young girl and a passion to step into that call. For as long as Brooke can remember she has  wanted to travel the world. At sixteen she had the opportunity to go to Nepal and India on a mission trip that radically changed her life. Experiencing and learning from cultures so far out of her realm,

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opened her mind and expanded her heart. From that point on she knew she was called to go to some of the darkest places in the world and bring the Light. During her BSSM experience God awakened a love and passion for East Asia and she began looking and praying in that direction.

Brooke’s short mission trip to Thailand in 2012 was the beginning of saying “YES” and the praying, planning, and preparation for relocating to Thailand followed shortly thereafter. Brooke will be working with Help Save the Kids, on the Thai/Burma border.

Her vision is simple and clear:

Seeking justice, Healing with love - bringing transformation, one child at a time!

Visit her website for the full story of this journey of love and passion.