©   2011 Hands That Touch, Inc. All rights reserved.  Created by Lorraine Box

Mark & Valerie Zechin  |  Central Europe



For over twenty years, Mark and Valerie have been influencing Central Europe by demonstrating the love and goodness of God. Having lived and pastored in the Czech Republic for fifteen years and ministering in Slovakia, Poland, Hungary and Serbia, the Zechins are eager to return and release fresh revelation and impartation they received while attending Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry in Redding, California. They are convinced that now is the time for an outpouring of revival that will transform the nations.

SUPPORT THE ZECHINS HERE     Single gift or recurring monthly donations may be made here.

Reaping the Harvest in Central Europe

Releasing the Kingdom through power evangelism, dynamic preaching and supernatural ministry.

Equipping Kingdom minded people to transform culture through immersion in the revealed Word and His manifest Presence.

Activating and releasing Kingdom leaders into their gifts and calling through impartation and deployment.

Planting Kingdom-impacting churches, transformation centers, healing rooms, and ministry training centers.